Déjà Vu (All Over Again?)

Cynics would concur that Redmond has simply got to be loving the fact that the FTC is reportedly going to issue subpoenas to Google regarding anti-competitive behavior.

Does this sound familiar? Recall Microsoft’s seemingly never-ending legal battle / woes / millions spent in legal fees and fines. etc. with the DOJ (in America) and the European equivalent (in the EU) of nearly a decade whereas many argued that it essentially amounted to the firm paying for the ‘cost of doing business’ as they wiped out Netscape and a number of other former high-flyer’s in technology (during this time frame).

Only time will tell if this is a repeat of history whereas a (US) tech giant is put through the legal paces via various federal / governmental authorities…

From the Sydney Morning Herald: http://goo.gl/f9wd6

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