Openness Downsides.

A lot has been stated about the upside of the cloud; Open Source; Share-ware, etc. Granted, there are a number of positive attributes (worth noting). Nevertheless, in light of the recent wave of hacks that have struck; one question is certainly posed: what’s the U.S. Government doing using Google to provide them email access?

Okay, cost savings and the push by the firm into the Enterprise (in direct competition to Microsoft) are two quick responses that come to mind. However, for all the ‘supposed’ paranoia and security measures that America’s bureaucracy is known for (particularly in the post-9/11 era) this does seem just a bit odd.

Finally, both Microsoft and Yahoo reported being hacked; yet, Google seems to be the focus of the media’s ire (and has been since the firm first reported them in their dust-up with the PRC which spurred them to re-route their search results through Hong Kong).

From IBT:

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