Propaganda’s Proponents…

Allowing AT&T and T-Mobile to merge ‘could’ bridge the digital divide. Yes, it could… as ‘could’ simply innovating vs. consolidating; or what ‘could’ actually help is building out / fixing the existing network vs. simply adding on to it; providing better customer service and/or lowing rates vs. being focused on just profits, etc. ‘could’ also go a long way towards just spurring the actual ‘free-hand of the market’… which ‘could’ allow for better digital / mobile access for consumers of all walks of American life…

However, that ‘could’ upset the status quo (within the US Telecommunications’ Industry) which ‘could’ result in shareholder value taking a hit (initially due to embracing a longer-term perspective). And, the likelihood of that ‘could’ not come at a worse time for a now inept firm (AT&T) that was once a leader within this space (as the nearly 60% increase in lobbying DC in Q2 has got to pay-off).

From PC World:

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