Go East Young Man.

As NFC continues to gain traction throughout the world a few points are worth noting: 1) Nokia is pushing this technology in India whereas in the low-mid-end handset market they still dominant (aside from the simple reality that there’s still a large consumer-base within these tiers that’s being unserved) which clearly plays to their favor despite the overall setback(s) the firm has experienced in most of the OECD nations; 2) NFC is being pushed by a consortium in Singapore (with a goal of widespread adoption) via Citibank, etc., this translates to a savvy tech-population that’s open / receptive to further integrating said medium into their daily lives; 3) America is missing the boat (at it now stands) which is just absurd… In sum; how is it that the nation that has pioneered the majority of the technological breakthroughs in this area is far too often inept when it comes to the (mass) adoption of them?!

(Source) Fast Company: http://goo.gl/pFXA9

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