Let’s Bet; What Goes Up…

As Facebook’s pending IPO makes the headlines it’s worth reflecting on just how far the firm has come. Moreover, for those that have toiled (e.g., earned ‘sweat equity’) and focused on the long-held goal of an IPO they’ll be a handful of people who’ll become very wealthy (on paper initially) when their stock is offered publicly. However, the downside of all of this (yes; that’s also a variable to factor) is that what goes up inevitably comes down. And, if anyone needs a point of reference see LinkedIn for proof positive of some of the potential pitfalls of an IPO. In sum; yes, it is possible that Facebook could be the exception and not the norm (although it is highly unlikely).

(Source) LA Times: http://goo.gl/DLjfG

(Source) The Washington Post: http://goo.gl/vDi2u

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